After Malaysian officials confirmed that Flight 370 had been hijacked by a person or people ‘with significant flying experience,’ they also announced that they believe the plane took one of two paths. And in a bone-chilling turn of events, one of those paths was towards Pakistan, a country that has been known to harbor terrorist sects like Al Qaeda.
Now that the Prime Minister of Malaysia has concluded that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which was carrying 239 passengers, was hijacked, the next question is where the plane was taken. One theory is that the plane headed south towards the Indian Ocean, but unfortunately, the other theory is that the aircraft flew along a northern corridor near southeast Pakistan, which is known to be a hotbed of terrorism.Flight 370 last made contact between Malaysia and Vietnam, CNN reports. Subsequent radar pings suggest that the plane could have then taken two possible paths after its communication devices were turned off. The more dire path — one that reinforces that this hijacking was an organized terrorist attack — extends from northern Thailand to the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan border, an area range that includes Pakistan.
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