
Sunday 16 March 2014

Temptations Singer Otis Williams Blasts Beyonce & Rihanna For Being Too Raunchy “I’m Appalled!”

Legendary 72-year-old Temptations singer Otis Williams has hit out at Rihanna and Beyonce for being too “explicit.”
The Motown legend spoke out about his admiration for both stars as artists.  But he then questioned their decisions to embrace a ‘sex sells’ attitude towards their music.
Williams singled out Beyonce’s performance at this years Grammys saying: “I watched Beyoncé at the Grammys and I have to say, I’m a huge Beyoncé fan, but what she did with Jay  Z,  I thought, ‘No you ain’t girlfriend’!”
Rihanna also came under fire during the interview. Rihanna, who is known for her bad girl antics was criticized for her sexually charged image.
Williams said: “I love Rihanna but I’m shocked by her and a few others that are coming out with very explicit things.
“When I listen to some of the stuff that’s being played on the radio I am appalled.”
The interview comes as The Temptations tour the UK with The Four Tops in a celebration of Motown music.
The star voiced his concerns that the money made by the music is now more important than its morality.
He argued that it’s actually much more simple: “A great song will always stand the test of time”.Otis certainly isn’t the first person to fire shots at Beysus or Rih-Rih over their sexualized images as of late and he probably won’t be the last. Do you agree with his comments or is he just being an old school hater?

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